ILAN Israel Association for
Disabled Children | PRO BONO

We were given the opportunity do some good. Working with this very special organization, we became involved with some of the children and their families and were touched by their stories. We all felt they were true heroes – we only gave them a voice.

A victory every day.

15,000 kids. Two words. Thank you.

Non-Identical twins | TV English titles 2004

Non-Identical twins | TV Heb 2004

Vivian & David, 2nd Floor | TV 2008

Jonathan | Radio 2009

Jonathan | Poster 2009

Creative: Iris Kordova, Iris Aloni, Ilan Lazarovich, Rony Herz | Production: Sharon Shamir, Gefen | Directors: Daphna Levin, Eyal Gefen