MAX security.
It’s a tough world.
The name MAX was a given. The company experienced incremental growth and development, but was ready for the next stage.
Re-branding an existing operating entity headed by three super-professional, powerful, opinionated partners – each coming from a different security discipline – was definitely a challenge. So, in order to resolve this complex brand personality, we went back to the basics – anthropology. Using the Archetype model as a blueprint, we dug in and analysed the entire organization, modelling the new MAX.

Once we had the strategy nailed, we started the development and formation of the new logo, tagline, brand language, narrative tone and style. We moved on to building a new site, marketing elements, office design, offline and social B2B activity. And finally, we launched the MAX Intelligence Portal.
Professional seminars, online advertising and promotion followed as well as social channels. A lot more was done since, but at this stage… that’s all we can say. Tough world.
MAX Intelligent Portal was designed to enable subscribed clients to follow, with their customized dashboards, areas of interest and have their finger on the pulse as well as access to resources and data archive.
We also created the intro promo clip for it.

Graphic representation of MAX’s synergetic course of action
during an incident – off and on ground - real time.

Special task force: Herz Brand Interface, Strategy and creative integration | Igal Feuerstein, Design | Richard Gamer,
Writing | Triotech, Development | Og Productions, Animation Clip | The partners at MAX, Enablers. Thank you all.